1200 South Highway 89, Jackson, Wyoming, 83001

Tribe Worship

"Find Me Ready," the newest song by Tribe Worship. A ballad of the Bride longing for the return of her faithful King. Watch for new songs coming soon.

Download tracks through Spotify or iTunes

A church based in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

Brian Hunter Lead Pastor


Tribe exists to make the name of Jesus famous in Jackson Hole and to the uttermost bounds of the earth by building strong families, connecting through community, developing servant leaders, and making disciples that will change the world.

In all that we do at Tribe, we strive to be mindful of where each person is on their journey. Without compromising the Gospel, we aim to make new people feel loved and welcomed while encouraging mature believers to press in to a deeper relationship with Jesus.

Core Values

  • Family - The most important social structure created by God.  We treat each other with love and respect, and we stick together.
  • Creativity - We pursue fresh, Holy Spirit- inspired ways to fulfill the mission of Tribe
  • Fun - We take our faith seriously, but not ourselves
  • Servant Leadership - We look for opportunities to develop others as we ourselves are continually being developed to help a lost and broken world


Two men enter, one man leaves.