1200 South Highway 89, Jackson, Wyoming, 83001



10:00 - 11:30 AM WEEKLY SERVICE at the Virginian Lodge. Tribe Kids available for 3 months - 5th grade children.


7:00 - 8:00 AM YOUNG ADULT WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY at the TMC. On Tuesday mornings, we drink hot coffee, eat yummy snacks, and dive deep into God's Word to learn about our identity and His great love for us. For more information, contact Laneisha: (414) 494-3640

6:00 - 8:00 PM YOUNG ADULT WEEKLY SERVICE at the TMC. Complementary dinner begins at 6:00, worship at 6:30, and Bible discussion and small groups at 7:00.


6:30 - 7:30 AM YOUNG ADULT MEN'S BIBLE STUDY at the TMC. Join our group of men who encourage one another to grow in God's Word.

6:30 - 8:00 PM ASCENT - HIGH SCHOOL MINISTRY at the TMC. Complementary dinner begins at 6:30. Come check out our youth ministry that is made up of students from several churches here in the valley. We tackle difficult subjects that students face every day in their world, and we discover God's truth about these situations. We challenge our students to live as world changers in Jackson Hole. For more information, contact Jay: (805) 573-0002.